Sometimes I wish I didn't have this problem so I could actually fully enjoy life. Do the drugs designed for this malady really help? Do they really take it away? The one time I tried SSRIs they made me feel good for a while, but was an artificial good, a drug-induced high, a feeling I knew wouldn't last. And before long, they did nothing for me. When I tried to up the dosage, they made my heart flutter, an unfortunate side effect. Some people are helped, apparently, and are satisfied with SSRIs. But helped is not the same as cured. No drugs offer what the brain-chemistry-challenged really want: a brain transplant.
But is it a good idea to whine about a malfunctioning brain? No. People may feel sympathy, but since there's nothing they can do about your trouble, eventually they'll turn away. If you're always carrying your gloom cloud, few people will be able to stand being around you for long because that gloom is infectious. And some people are aggressive with their gloom--sort of a not-so-nice combo platter of fear and anger. They're miserable, but also angry that people around them are not miserable too, so they do their best to dispel any sunshine. Sort of like the dementors.
As much as I hate the relentless marketing of antidepressants, I have to say that at least the ads are making the issue one people can talk about. And lately I've noticed the actual depiction of a gloom cloud in one of the ads. (But I must say the people carrying the clouds don't look miserable enough.) It's too bad what they're advocating is that people who suffer from bad brain chemistry should take more and more drugs: If one isn't doing the trick, try two or three!
Anyway, I guess the answer is to just keep doing what I'm doing, since at least it allows me a measure of happiness.
Beats being worm food- that measure of happiness. 8~)